The REDI-STRIP rust removal process is nothing short of magical. Known as Alkaline Electrolytic Immersion, it eliminates the need for acid dipping, abrasive blasting, chipping, scraping, and other destructive de-rusting methods.
In the REDI-STRIP tanks, rust "floats" off steel and other ferrous metals, leaving surfaces bright and clean. The safe formulations can de-rust parts with attachments such as rubber, plastic, wood, and glass.
The REDI-STRIP process is ideal for cleaning components where avoiding metal fatigue is crucial. It removes no metal, preventing stress cracks, etching, or embrittlement, while thoroughly de-rusting every pit, crevice, and cavity, and releasing "frozen" threads.
The rust is completely removed. Depending on the anti-rust coating chosen, a protective residual film remains on all surfaces, eliminating the need for expensive greasing and degreasing. When ready for use, the parts simply need to be water-rinsed and dried.
With immersion tanks up to 6 meters (20 feet) long, REDI-STRIP can de-rust anything from a pin to a punch press. Machine tools, hardware, car bodies, and sheet metal products are just some of the wide variety of items de-rusted by REDI-STRIP every day.
Why scrape (or scrap) rusted products or equipment when REDI-STRIP can restore them?
For immediate attention please telephone 02 9831 6799
Visit us at 16 Bessemer Street Blacktown NSW 2148